March 8, 2009
Océ Arizona 350 GT Printer
Copyright © 2008 BERTL, Inc.
March 8, 2009
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Page 12
ONYX ProductionHouse Océ Edition RIP Application
The Océ Arizona 350 GT printer is available with the option of the ONYX
ProductionHouse workflow software as the heart of the workflow procedures
for the printer.
The ONYX RIP is responsible for creating and buffering jobs to be printed on
the Océ Arizona 350 GT printer and needs to be installed on one robust
computer on your local LAN that that will send jobs to the printer. The ONYX
ProductionHouse RIP prints directly to the Océ Arizona 350 GT Controller
station, where jobs are queued up until released by the printer operator. This
seems odd at first, but the intermediate step is needed because we are not
printing on roll feed media (although it’s an option), but instead are using
sheet-fed media that can vary with size and thickness. Therefore it’s required
prior to each print that the operator mounts the media for printing and starts it
from the Controller station.
The PC or MAC stations submit jobs to the ONYX RIP where it is processed
and then sent to the Print Station Controller, and then finally sent to the Océ
Arizona 350 GT printer for printing.
The ONYX ProductionHouse RIP application running on the print station
computer is logically divided into five logical areas.
Jobs Ready to Print Area
The ONYX ProductionHouse RIP is
logically divided into five main areas.
The Print area (1) lists the printers
available for printing. So with the ONYX
ProductionHouse RIP application you can
control all your printers in your network
from a common application.
Next to each printer is a color-coded
button that indicates whether the printer is
online, offline, or waiting for media.
Clicking the button can toggle the printer
between online and offline mode. When
ONYX ProductionHouse is installed, it
automatically creates a virtual printer to
be used as a regular Windows printer plus
creates a shared hotfolder so common file
formats like pdf, eps, tiff, jpg, etc can be
simply dropped in remotely. This allows
virtually all applications to print directly to
the ONYX ProductionHouse RIP,
expanding the versatility of the solution.
For example, you can use your favorite
graphics applications and other office
applications to print directly to the ONYX
ProductionHouse RIP-Queue. However
realistically you most likely would prefer to
use the ONYX ProductionHouse RIP
directly since it gives you full control of
how to print your jobs.
The Print area also gives you the current
status of the progress of the print jobs,
including estimating the remaining time to
complete the jobs.
The Jobs Ready area (2) lists all jobs
queued for printing. Each print job can be
individually controlled and modified prior
to printing. The ONYX ProductionHouse