This adjusts the output level of the unit. The gain of the whole module is +16dB when being
driven with an unbalanced audio signal and both input and output level controls set to their
This will light when power is applied to the unit. To be precise, it lights when the +15V power
supply rail is up and running.
Input and Output Connections
The SRE330 has both balanced input and output connections. It is expected that the unit will
be fitted with three pole TRS (tip-ring-sleeve) sockets. Both input and output are compatible
with unbalanced signals and mono jack plugs can be used without detriment to the SRE330
It should work well with signal levels direct from a mixer, line level synthesisers and modular
synthesisers. The input impedance is too low to work direct from guitars unless they are fitted
with internal pre-amplifiers.
The SRE330's stereo inputs can be used with mono sources. Simply connect the jack plug to
the right hand input socket and the input signal will be applied automatically to both the left
and right inputs. In this case the INPUT MODE switch will have no effect on the signal since
the input signal is already mono.
The maximum input signal level without clipping the pre-amplifier stage is +/-12V. Signal
levels higher than +/-30V have the potential to damage the unit. Input impedance is 44K.
Output impedance is 220R.