For use with MULTI mode only. This controls the rate of the triangle wave low frequency
oscillator (LFO). An LFO produces an output signal that changes in voltage with a repeatable
and periodic shape. The triangle wave output rises at a constant rate, reaches an apex and then
descends at the same rate as it went up. Then at its lowest point it rises again and the process
repeats itself. It is called a triangle wave because when viewed on an oscilloscope the trace is
made from a series of triangles.
In MULTI mode this controls the depth of the triangle wave modulation. The deeper the
modulation the greater the change in delay times the BBD lines exhibit. Quick changes in
delay are heard as a change in pitch by the listener. With a triangle wave the pitch changes can
be quite severe as the waveform changes direction at its upper and lower limits.
In 3 PHASE mode this controls the depth of the slow 'chorus' oscillator. The waveform used
is a sine wave at around 0.6Hz.
For use with MULTI mode only. Controls the rate of the sine wave LFOs. A sine wave is
similar to the triangle wave but the rises and falls in output voltage are more gentle. The
waveform is more akin to natural resonances slowing down before it changes direction.
In MULTI mode this controls the depth of the sine wave modulation. Sine waves produce a
more natural sounding pitch change when they modulate a BBD.
In 3 PHASE mode this controls the depth of the faster 'vibrato' oscillator. The waveform used
is a sine wave at around 6Hz
This adjusts the mix between the unaffected signal and the one coming from the delay line or
lines. DRY is the unaffected signal while WET is the delayed signal. The input level control
affects both dry and wet signals.
For classic ensemble effects the balance is set to 100% wet. For classic chorus effects the
balance is set to around 50%.