Equinox® Relieve - User Manual
Reverse gas fl ow test
To test the reverse fl ow, connect one gas at a time to the
corresponding input connector, spray the other input connector,
no bubbles allowed from this connector.
Function test
The following features of the Equinox® Relieve System can be
individually tested or measured using a calibrated pressure gauge
and fl owmeter during the Pre-use Functional Check:
1. Demand Valve Function and Oxygen Concentration
Demand Valve function and oxygen concentration of the delivered
gas can be determined by the following procedure:
To fully test this function it is necessary to have a supply
regulator with an adjustable output pressure and a release valve
(Not supplied). Checking of the alarm may be undertaken by
simply slowly closing the cylinder valve.
A. Connect an oxygen monitor to the output connector of the
Relieve using the “3-Way T” Connector test assembly supplied.
B. Utilizing a 1 Liter calibrated syringe, connect the syringe to
the patient connection on the patient circuit connected to T-
connector. Turn on the Relieve unit and activate the demand valve
by cycling the syringe until the oxygen reading on the monitor
has stabilized. Demand valve function is confi rmed by a change
in the reading on the monitor.
Acceptable Range
40% – 60%
2. Low Input Pressure Alarms
With the adjustable inlet pressure regulator set to a supply
pressure of 50 PSI, gradually reduce the supply pressure of the
regulator to around 40 PSI while slowly releasing the gas until
you hear the Low Input Pressure Alarm activated. For the nitrous
oxide alarm the pulsed tone frequency is set at a low frequency
of approximately 60 BPM. For the low oxygen alarm, the pulsed
tone frequency is set at high frequency of approximately 120 BPM.
When low pressure alarm is activated, the corresponding Gas
Supply Status Indicator will also cycle at the same rate of the alarm.