NXP Semiconductors
Feature Configuration Guide for NXP-based Wireless Modules on i.MX 8M Quad EVK
Connect with the remote Bluetooth Classic/Bluetooth LE device
The remote Bluetooth Classic/Bluetooth LE device is not yet in the connected state. Run
the following command to set the connected state.
[bluetooth]# trust B4:F5:00:31:CB:4E
[CHG] Device B4:F5:00:31:CB:4E Trusted: yes
Changing B4:F5:00:31:CB:4E trust succeeded
[bluetooth]# connect B4:F5:00:31:CB:4E
Attempting to connect to B4:F5:00:31:CB:4E
[CHG] Device B4:F5:00:31:CB:4E Connected: yes
Connection successful
[CHG] Device B4:F5:00:31:CB:4E ServicesResolved: yes
[Moto E]#
Disconnect the remote Bluetooth Classic/Bluetooth LE device
[Moto E]# disconnect B4:F5:00:31:CB:4E
Attempting to disconnect from B4:F5:00:31:CB:4E
[CHG] Device B4:F5:00:31:CB:4E ServicesResolved: no
Successful disconnected
[CHG] Device B4:F5:00:31:CB:4E Connected: no
Remove the remote Bluetooth Classic/Bluetooth LE device
[bluetooth]# remove B4:F5:00:31:CB:4E
[DEL] Device B4:F5:00:31:CB:4E Moto E
Device has been removed
Exit from
command line interface
[Moto E]# quit
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User manual
Rev. 2 — 29 January 2021
49 / 88