Lab Tutorial for TWR-S08MM128-KIT
Ensure J2 jumper is
installed as indicated.
This green LED will
illuminate to indicate
that the MED-EKG is
If this red LED continues
to blink once “Start” is
pressed from the MED-
EKG GUI, the GUI is
displaying data without
the DSC. A solid red
LED indicates the GUI is
displaying the EKG with
DSC amplification.
Left Electrodes: Place
left hand fingers here for
an EKG reading. See lab
guide below.
Connections to the
S08MM128 analog
modules and power
source from the Tower
System. The power
switch is controlled
by the S08MM128 pin
PTE7. To turn on the
MED-EKG module in
your software, set the
PTE7 pin to low output
(active low). To turn the
module off, set the PTE7
to high output. This has
already been done in the
demo code of this lab.
Right Electrodes: Place
right hand fingers here
for EKG reading. See lab
guide below.
Another way to sample
the user EKG is by using
“Welch Allyn
ECG Lead
Wires for Atlas Monitor,
3-lead AHA” or similar.
Not included in the
Figure 1. MED-EKG module. Please refer to
schematic or MED-EKG user manual for details.
Get to Know the MED-EKG
The following lab assumes the user has loaded the DVD
at f:\ and has extracted all zipped files under working folder d:\
work. Please replace the path if your directory is different.