Please refer to the APS12DT256SLK Quick Start Users Guide to quickly setup the stand-alone
application module or PBS12DT256SLK Quick Start Users Guide to get started with the
microcontroller project board (PBMCUSLK).
The APS12DT256SLK board operates in two operating modes: Run Mode, or Debug Mode.
Run Mode allows user application code to execute from Power-On or Reset. Debug Mode
supports the development and debug of application code. See the related sections below for
quickly starting the board in the desired operation mode.
Run mode allows user application to execute when power is applied to the board. Use the
following settings to configure the APS12DT256SLK board for RUN Mode to get started
1. Connect a COM port serial communication cable between board and host PC if needed for
the application. Launch supporting host communication software as needed.
2. Connect auxiliary equipment to board as required by application.
3. Apply power to the board.
4. The programmed application should begin to execute.
Freescale Semiconductor