NWA3D A31 User Manual
7. Connect all electrical cables.
a. On the right side of the power & control box, make sure the voltage select
switch reads “110V.” If it doesn’t, select “110V” by gently sliding the
switch with a screwdriver or other tool.
b. Connect the heater cables to the power & control box.
The cable for the build plate heater has four pins. The cable for the nozzle
heater has eight pins. Rotate the connector until the pins slide easily into
the socket. Do not force them. After the pins are fully inserted,
hand-tighten the knurled nuts so they won’t become unplugged.
c. Connect the motor and limit switch cables.
The Y cables go to the motor and switch at the back of the base frame that
move the build plate. The Z cables go to the motor and switch on the left
side of the base frame that move the nozzle gantry. The X and E
(extruder) cables go onto the gantry frame. The X cables go to the motor
and switch that runs the belt and the E cable goes to the motor that feeds
the filament. Hint: Install the smaller limit switch connectors first. Small
hands are an advantage. Don’t bend the connectors as you push them in.
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