NW Explorations
and frost, and remove food which may spoil.
1. Turn on the Icemaker breaker in the AC breaker panel as needed. The Fresh Water Pump DC breaker must also
be on so that the icemaker has sufficient water.
2. Be sure the “arm” in the ice cube tray is down to start making ice.
4N2: Microwave Oven
The microwave is above the stove (photo below right). It operates conventionally.
4N3: Propane Tanks
The boat’s propane tanks are under the forward section of the
flybridge L-settee. There are two tanks either one of which can
be connected to a solenoid electric valve controlled from the
galley. To switch tanks, move the connection line (it has a hand-
turned fitting).
4N4: Range
The boat is equipped with a FORCE 10 propane range with three top burners and
an oven.
Propane gas is heavier-than-air. Therefore it must be treated with care around
a boat so that we can be absolutely sure there is no gas escaping into the
atmosphere to collect in the boat’s lowest spot, the enclosed bilges, to become
an explosive safety hazard. For this reason, the propane tank itself is housed
above the galley in the left seat on the flying bridge where any leaked gas will
simply blow away.
There is, of course, a manual gas valve on the propane tank used only when
exchanging/filling tanks. There is a second valve, a “solenoid valve”, in the
propane line immediately after the manual valve. This electric valve is controlled
by a switch panel in the galley itself; in this way the cook can shut off the propane
supply to the stove at its source when it not being used, simply by throwing
the switch. In addition, each stove burner including the oven is fitted with a
“thermocouple”, a heat- sensing device that also controls the gas flow. When
the gas supply is “turned on” to a burner, the gas will not flow unless (a) the
burner is already on, or (b) the cook is holding the valve in the “light” position.
If the burner goes out for any reason, the thermocouple will shut off the fuel
automatically, assuring you of a safe galley.
To Light a Burner
Lighting a burner is easy and only takes five to ten seconds:
1. Be sure the propane valve circuit breaker in the DC panel is on.
2. Turn on the remote propane valve on the fly bridge by operating the over-the- stove “Propane” switch (the pilot
light on the switch panel will light).
3. Push in the selected burner control knob (all the way) and turn it to high and hold it until the burner lights.
4. After the burner lights, continue to hold the knob in for about 10 seconds after ignition while the thermocouple
heats up before adjusting the flame to the desired intensity.
5. If ignition fails, turn off the burner and light it with a match or stove-lighter to be sure that no excessive propane
is present.
To Light the Oven
The microwave and stove. Arrow points
to stove solenoid-valve switch.