NW Explorations
9. Now, take the
dinghy’s bow
line (“painter”)
in hand and
“Hook Up”, and
“Boom Left”
as necessary
to swing the
dinghy up and
around until
it is over the
starboard side of
the boat as
far as possible (the boom will be perpendicular to the
side of the boat).
Lowering the Boom (“Boom Down”) only enough to
clear the dinghy past the side of Eldean (so as not to
over-stress the boom), “Hook Down” until the dinghy is
settled in the water.
Then, using the painter, guide the
dinghy back to the swim step; you may need to “Hook
Down” some more as you do this.
11. Release the hook from the dinghy, “Hook Up” and
secure the end of the hook so it doesn’t swing and
damage Eldean. Leave the hook line a little slack so as not to bend or stress
your attachment point.
To Raise the Dinghy back onto the Flybridge:
1. Bring the dinghy to the starboard end of the swim step;
If you are not sure you will be using the dinghy again in a few days or less, you should disconnect the fuel line
from the outboard and run the motor for a few moments until it stalls, so that the carburetor is not full of gas;
this will protect it from being fouled by the varnish and gum left behind if it is not subsequently used for a
significant period and the gasoline in the engine evaporates!
2. Raise the outboard so it is out of the water.
3. Reversing the procedure above, raise the dinghy a few feet (“Hook Up”) and let the excess water run off so as
to keep Eldean cleaner. Then bring it to the flybridge, “Boom Right” and “Boom Up” and “Hook Down” so as to
center it over its cradle.
4. Lower the dinghy into the cradle carefully, manually pulling it toward it’s aft end so as to engage the “locating
pin” pictured above.
5. Now bring the boom around (“Boom Right”) until it is clear of the dinghy. Raise the hook until it is nearly at the
top, and engage the hook’s slot into the fitting engaging it under the boom.
6. Pulling the pin under the boom, “Boom Retract” (bottom right button). The boom will retract until it “clicks”;
stop pressing the button immediately.
7. Now you can carefully lower and rotate the boom back into its resting place, and re- tighten the clamp to keep its
mechanical “play” from letting it jiggle around.
The boom is extending...
Two of the dinghy
tie-downs (white
crossed cables)
and (at arrow’s
head) the
locating pin.