When driving ground rods it is advisable
to use nVent ERICO ground rod drivers or
drive sleeves to prevent mushrooming on
the top of the rod. When coupling rods, use
compression type ground rod couplers.
When bonding the grounding system
components, use the recommended
methods suggested below:
• nVent ERICO Cadweld connections
should be used for all below grade
connections. Cadweld connections
provide permanent electrical bonding,
corrosion resistance and mechanical
strength between conductors, including
most types of copper cable, bar, rod,
tape, structural steel work, reinforcing
steel and pipe.
• Supplied ground rod clamps should
be used for termination of Ericore
downconductors directly to ground rods.
This allows later disconnection
for maintenance requirements.
• Use of aluminum lugs or couplings
is prohibited.
• Supplied waterproofing mastic tape
should be used for waterproofing
corrosion vulnerable connections and
must be used be used in all Ericore to
ground rod connections.
Ground Resistance
Lowering Compounds
Ground enhancement material, nVent
A, is recommended and
supplied when the existing soil mass has
a high resistivity.
A can be used to increase the
total surface area of grounding
conductors, thereby reducing the ground
resistance / impedance.
A requires water and a mixing
container. Follow the installation instructions
printed on the bag or bucket provided.
Insulation of Grounding Systems
In some installations, it may be necessary
to insulate part of the ground system from
an area of the surface, for the purposes of
safety or isolation (pedestrian walkways,
proximity to other services, etc.). In
this situation, it is recommended that a
minimum of
AWG), insulated
copper cable is run in PVC conduit to the
connection point (start) of the intended
ground system. This conduit should be at a
depth of at least
mm (
in.), or greater
if required, to ensure that it is below the
frost line to the start of the intended ground
system (see Figure
Bonding the Lightning Protection
Ground to Other Service Grounds
Where separate grounds exist and
the structures have mutual electical
connections e.g.: Structure, Power, Signal,
Communications and Lightning Protection,
they should be bonded together to form
an equipotential ground plane. This will
eliminate the possibility of ground loops
and potential differences that arise under
transient conditions.