Thank you
for purchasing the nuvoH2O water softener. This installation
guide provides basic product information and instructions. This guide
does not address specific installation solutions.
Parts Included:
• 1 Housing Body
• 1 Wall Mounting Panel
• 1 Housing Head
• 7 2” Flat-head Screws
• 1 Cartridge
• 1 3/4” Round-head Screw
• 1 Housing Wrench
• 1 C-Bracket with screws* (for Home System and Studio System)
• 1 L-Bracket with screws* (for Manor System)
Additional Installation Requirements:
How you install your nuvoH2O Salt-Free Water Softener, and the addi-
tional parts needed depends on the current plumbing configuration of
where you plan to install your new system. Note: The size of the hex
bushings, hex nipples, and compression fittings are determined by the
size of the pipe in your home. You should be able to pick up the follow-
ing from any major hardware store:
Teflon Tape
Pipe Cutter
2 each Brass Hex
sizing can change
depending on the size
of pipe into your home.
2 each Corrugated or
Braided Stainless Steel
or Copper Pipes
2 each compression
fittings, e.g., SharkBite
2 each threaded pipe
Hex nipples depending
on the size of pipe into
your home.
Pex tubing. To extend
or rearrange your piping
to install the system,
consider using simple,
flexible, inexpensive
Pex tubing along with
compression joints.