Figure 12. Mechanical Drawing of Power Interface
5.3. Electrical Connections
The Power Interface module has seven connectors. Each connector is described in the following
sections in detail.
5.3.1. Contactors
The Contactor connector is a 12-pin Mini-Fit® Jr. Molex connector. This interface is used to provide or
select contactor coil operating power, either from an external power supply (40 V max), or from a
loop-back connection from the BMS internal 24 V (nominal) source.
The Contactors connector also connects to up to 4 external contactor coils. Each output is capable of
sourcing a maximum of 2.8 A continuously.
If coil operating power is provided from an external power source, the sum of all 4 output currents
must not exceed 5 A continuous. If coil operating power is provided from the internal power source,
the sum of all 4 output currents must not exceed 2.8 A or 2.9 A minus 31.7 mA per Cell Interface
connected in the system, whichever is lower.
Coil high-side drive and return outputs are provided at the connector. The return is referenced to the
Power Interface chassis. Contactor coil back-EMF is internally clamped at 40 V.
Connect up to 4 high-current contactor coils to this connector.
Nuvation Energy High-Voltage BMS - Installation Guide
Document ID: NE-IG-001
Rev 2.1, 2020-03-13