ST-C5SVA-R-600 and ST-C5SV-R-600 Receiver
Note: This section is applicable to both models of Receiver except for step 4. When installing ST-C5SV-
R-600 Receivers (no audio support), disregard step 4.
1. Position a ST-C5SVA-R-600 Receiver such that the CAT5 cable, the SVEXT-xx-MM cable, speaker
cable, and the AC adapter power connector can each reach the Receiver comfortably.
2. Connect one end of another SVEXT-xx-MM cable to the female 4-pin miniDIN video connector on
the Receiver.
3. Connect the other end of the SVEXT-xx-MM to the female s-video connector of the remote s-video
4. Connect the remote user's speakers to the 3.5mm female stereo connector on the Receiver (see
Fig. 3).
Figure 3- Connect the Extended Components to the ST-C5SVA-R-600 Receiver
5. Make sure the CAT5 cable has been installed in accordance with the “Preparation for Installation”
instructions on page 3. Connect the CAT5 cable to the “Cat 5” port on the Receiver. (See Fig. 3.)
When properly inserted the CAT5 cable end should snap into place.
Note: If an RJ45 wall outlet is being used, connect the other end of the extension cable to the RJ45
wall outlet.
6. Repeat steps 1-4 for each ST-C5SVA-R-600 Receiver to be connected to the VOPEX-C5SVA-x.
WARNING: Never connect the ST-C5SVA-R-600 Receiver to an ethernet card, ethernet
router, hub or switch or other ethernet RJ45 connector of an ethernet device.
Damage to devices
connected to the ethernet may result.
S T - C 5 S V A - R - 6 0 0 R e c e i v e r ( F r o n t a n d R e a r V i e w )
C A T 5 C a b l e t o
V O P E X - C 5 S V A - x
R e a r V i e w o f R e c e i v e r
R e m o t e U s e r ' s D i s p l a y a n d S p e a k e r s
N e t w o r k T e c h n o l o g i e s I n c
F r o n t V i e w o f
R e c e i v e r
S - V i d e o
D i s p l a y
S V E X T - x x - M M