Slide controls:
Moving a slide control will cause an immediate takecontrol of all dimmers assigned to that zone. The lighting
levels will fade up or down quickly to match the slide control level, and the LED of the zone will illuminate
indicating that the slider has full control. (This feature may be modified through computer software wheras the
MANUAL button must first be pressed to gain control.)
The LED of the zone will go out when either the PRESET or ALL OFF button is pressed, or if another panel
gains control of the dimmer channel assigned. (A control console will not affect the LEDs.)
Default dimmer assignment are : Zone 1-4 (1-8) = Dimmer Channel 1-4 (1-8).
MANUAL button:
When pressed, this button will cause all dimmer channels assigned to all zones of this panel to fade to the current
settings of the slide controls. All zone LEDs will come on and the slide controls will have full control.
PRESET button:
This button will cause all dimmer channels assigned to all zones of this panel to fade to the zone setting previously
programmed. (Default is all full on.) All zone LEDs will go out.
ALL OFF button:
This button will cause all dimmer channels assigned to all zones of this panel to fade to the zone setting previously
programmed. (Default is all full off.) All zone LEDs will go out.
To restore control from a console:
Simply perform a change in the channel level from the console. The lighting channel will then fade back to the
new console level at the factory default fade rate. Once the console level matches or is moved past the lighting
level, full console control will be resumed for that channel.
Software Revision 3.00, Version C
Slide controls: