2.36 To save the changes, left click Apply and repeat step.2.31 - 2.33 then
click Save
2.37 Left click the red cross in top right hand corner of player to close
the Player.
2.38 Safely remove the SD card from the SD card slot in the PC and insert the
card into the camera.
2.39 Power the camera for at least 3 minutes to allow changes to be copied
to the camera.
2.40 Insert the main SD card into the camera. Ensure it has been formatted
to FAT32 before use (see page 12 for more information).
2.41 Check and position the lens correctly.
Quick Plug and Play Installation complete.
Important: Any changes made on the Settings in the software must be saved
in the camera by following steps 2.38 and 2.40 to ensure recorded data is
more accurate.
Important: If using a larger card for recording, ensure the card has been
Formatted correctly before use. Using an unformatted card could prevent
the camera to record data or malfunction. See page 12 for How to Format
SD cards.
Quick Start Guide
Set Time and Date