Battery level indicator (Fig. 2)
The battery level is displayed when button (B) is pressed. The number of LEDs lit up denotes the
battery level.
If the battery is inserted in the press device when the battery level is checked, the last pressing
operation must have been completed at least 1 minute prior to this. Otherwise the display will be
Pos: 32 /RVT/Kurzbeschr eibung/Ger ät + Akku/Info welcher Akku/18V: ACO403 @ 4\mod_1506331485930_18.docx @ 32120 @ @ 1
The ACO403 press device must only be operated with 3.0 Ah 18 V rechargeable
lithium-ion batteries. The rechargeable 18 V battery must only be used in the
appropriate press devices.
Pos: 33 /RVT/Kurzbeschr eibung/Ger ät + Akku/entl adener Akku/ACO102, AC O152, ACO/EC O202, ACO202XL, ACO401, AC O/ECO203 @ 0\mod_1382607696426_18.docx @ 1532 @ @ 1
Feature of the press device when the battery is empty:
When a pressing operation begins, a check is made to determine whether the battery charge is
sufficient to complete the pressing operation. If this is not the case the device does not start. The
green LED (2) flashes.
If the green LED (2) flashes following a pressing operation, the pressing operation was carried out
correctly. The battery must be recharged prior to the next pressing operation.
Pos: 34 /RVT/Kurzbeschr eibung/Energiesparmodus/Energiespar modus ACO203/EC O203 @ 4\mod_1506332076890_18.docx @ 32143 @ 2 @ 1
7.5 Energy saving mode
If the press device is not used over an extended period, the device switches off. No LED is lit up any
longer. Press the start button (1) briefly to activate the press device.
Pos: 35 /RVT/Inbetri ebnahme und Betrieb/Ger ät vorberei ten/ACO401 komplett @ 0\mod_1382618483110_18.docx @ 1571 @ 1 @ 1
8 Start-up and operation
Fingers risk being crushed if the device is operated without a press
collar. (Fig. 4a)
If the press device is not placed on a press collar, fingers could be placed in the at-risk
zone. Fingers could be crushed when the device is started.
Do not operate the device without a press collar.
Keep your fingers away from the at-risk zone
The ACO 401 press device is not suitable for continuous operation. A short break
of at least 15 minutes must be taken after approx. 15-20 pressing operations in
succession in order to allow the device to cool down.
Pos: 36 /RVT/Allgemeines/#### Seitenumbr uch #### @ 0\mod_1380200837280_0.docx @ 885 @ @ 1