background image

Preparar la pared de caja de función a las dimensiones indicadas para cada artículo, al pro-

porcionar una tolerancia de 3 ÷ 5 mm como máximo. Coloque la caja de plástico, hacién-

dola llegar al borde de la pared, consolidando los lados y la fijación de un centro de apoyo 

para evitar la deformación en el lado largo.

Un cemento seco, retire el soporte e instale el cuerpo de aluminio haciendo pasar el cable 

de red de la guía del cable. Pele el cable de alimentación y terminales spelarne aproxima-

damente 8 mm. Conecte el cable de alimentación al bloque de terminales en el soporte, 

las polaridades:

L = Línea; = tierra amarillo / verde; N = Neutro.

Monte el soporte y fijarlo con tornillos.

Inserte la lámpara, respetando cuidadosamente los datos que figuran en la placa de iden-


reemplazar el vidrio, el sello y la tapa con los tornillos.

Preparare un pozzetto a parete secondo le dimensioni indicate per ogni articolo, preveden-

do una tolleranza di 3÷5mm al massimo. Posizionare la cassa in plastica, facendola arrivare 

al filo della parete, cementandola ai lati e fissando un supporto al centro per prevenire de-

formazioni sul lato lungo. 

A cemento asciutto, rimuovere il supporto ed installare il corpo in alluminio facendo 

passare il cavo di rete dal passacavo. Sguainare il cavo di alimentazione e spelarne 

i terminali per 8mm circa. Collegare il cavo di alimentazione alla morsettiera sulla 

staffa, rispettando le polarità indicate : 

L=Linea ; 

  =terra giallo/verde; N=Neutro. 

Montare la staffa e bloccare con le viti. 

Inserire la lampada ,rispettando scrupolosamente i dati riportati in targa, 

riposizionare vetro, guarnizione e copertura tramite le viti.

Prepare a well at the wall according to the dimensions shown for each item, providing 

a tolerance of 3 to 5mm at most. Place the external housing, making it reach the edge 

of the wall, cementing the sides and setting a support center to prevent deformation 

on the long side. 

When the concrete is dry, remove the support and install the aluminum body by pas-

sing the network cable from the cable gland. Unsheathe the mains cable and strip 

the ends by about 8mm. Connect the mains cable to the IP terminal block following 

the correct indications :


=earth cable; N=neutral.

Mount the connection bracket inside the body and fix it with two screws. 

Insert the correct lamp, respecting the datas on label, and replace diffuser, gasket

and cover using the screws.

Sostituire i diffusori danneggiati.

Replace the broken diffusers.

Protezione totale contro l’ingresso di polvere e getti d’acqua.

Total protection against ingress of dust and water jets.

Idoneo al montaggio su superfici normalmente infiammabili.

Suitable for installation on normally flammable surfaces.

Direttiva 2002/96/EC : 

il prodotto, alla fine della sua vita utile, non deve essere trattato come rifiuto domestico, ma deve essere consegnato ad un 

centro di raccolta autorizzato per il riciclo dei rifiuti elettrici ed elettronici oppure riconsegnato al rivenditore.

Directive 2002/96/EC : 

at the end of its working life, the product must not be disposed as household waste, but it should be handed over to an 

applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.


The unit installation must be performed only by qualified and trained installer.

Switch off the equipment (open the line switch) before installing the unit or replacing the lamp or finally any service. Wait for the luminaire body becomes cold.

In compliance with the regulations in force, any Class I unit has to be connected to the grounding: check that a suitable earthing is available. The Company is not liable at all in case of no com-

pliance to such a requirement.

Check that the lamp type and power (W) comply with data specified on the name plate. 

Respect the values of power (V / Hz) indicated.

In case of breakage or wear and tear of the screens, immediately replace them as to provide for the assigned IP Protection Degree. 

Use only original spare parts from The company. 

This unit can be used only with the protective glass and intact in its entirety. Any modification, following the sale, can compromise the electrical safety of the product, in addition to immediately 

void the warranty. 

The company assumes no liability for any damage to objects, animals or people originating from unauthorized access or failure of the requirements of the Norm and in this manual.

Unit efficacy and duration in time depend on the correct and routine service; hence these instructions should be kept for such purpose.

During the unit installation cover screws with grease or similar material. In order to avoid any danger of corrosion or damage to equipment, complete installation of the same only once found a 

complete drying of the contact surface.

To avoid condensation inside the diffuser, in a humid environment, for the first installation let the luminaire work for about 5 minutes, then remove the diffuser and let it work for other 5 minutes, 

and finally replace the diffuser switching off the luminaire.



Presence of high temperature surfaces: to prevent the buildup or accumulation of flammable substances.


BARRI - 574C / 574D

BARRI - 574A / 574B 









