Example 5.1
Example phpsysinfo-dev Hat
^phpsysinfo {
#include <abstractions/base>
/bin/df ix,
/bin/bash ix,
/dev/tty rw,
/etc/SuSE-release r,
/etc/fstab r,
/etc/hosts r,
/etc/mtab r,
/proc/** r,
/sbin/lspci ix,
/srv/www/htdocs/sysinfo/** r,
/sys/bus/pci/devices r,
/sys/devices/** r,
/usr/bin/who ix,
/usr/share/pci.ids r,
/var/log/apache2/{access,error}_log w,
/var/run/utmp r,
NOTE: Hat and Parent Profile Relationship
The profile
is only valid in the context of a process running
under the parent profile
5.1.2 Adding Hats and Entries to Hats
When you use the Edit Profile dialog (for instructions, refer to
Section 3.3, “Editing
(page 33)) or when you add a new profile using Manually Add Profile (for
instructions, refer to
Section 3.2, “Manually Adding a Profile”
(page 32)), you are
given the option of adding hats (subprofiles) to your Novell AppArmor profiles. Add
a ChangeHat subprofile from the AppArmor Profile Dialog window as in the following.
Profiling Your Web Applications Using ChangeHat