Fill in the fields with the following filtering information, as necessary:
Report Name
Specify the name of the report. Use names that easily distinguish different
Day of Month
Select any day of the month to activate monthly filtering in reports. If you
, monthly filtering is not performed.
Day of Week
Select the day of the week on which to schedule weekly reports, if desired.
If you select
, weekly filtering is not performed. If monthly reporting is
selected, this field defaults to
Hour and Minute
Select the time. This specifies the hour and minute that you would like the
reports to run. If you do not change the time, selected reports runs at midnight.
If neither month nor day of week are selected, the report runs daily at the
specified time.
E-Mail Target
You have the ability to send the scheduled security incident report via e-mail
to up to three recipients. Just enter the e-mail addresses for those who require
the security incident information.
Export Type
This option enables you to export a CSV (comma separated values) or HTML
file. The CSV file separates pieces of data in the log entries with commas
using a standard data format for importing into table-oriented applications.
Enter a path for your exported report by typing in the full path in the field
Location to Store Log
Enables you to change the location that the exported report is stored. The
default location is
. When
you change this location, select Accept. Select Browse to browse the file
Click Next to proceed to the second page of Add Scheduled SIR.
Managing Profiled Applications