The SpeedIO Control Panel - About Latency
Sample Rate
This will be set to 48kHz and cannot be altered. It confirms that the speed of data flowing backwards and
forwards through the USB cable is 48kHz. This is not to be confused with Audio recording rates of 44.1
kHz and 48kHz.
This will be set to 24bits and cannot be altered. It confirms that the size of data flowing backwards and for-
wards through the USB cable is up to 24bits. This is not to be confused with the Audio recording bit depth
settings of 16bit or 24 bits.
About Latency
Latency is the amount of time it takes for the Audio Input Analogue signal to be converted to a digital
signal, sent along the USB system, processed by the sequencer, then sent back along the USB system
and converted back to an Analogue output signal. A latency time of anything more than approx 12mS will
be start to be noticeable.
The amount of latency can be set by changing ‘System Performance’ drop down box options. The higher
the specification (speed of CPU and amount of RAM memory) of the computer being used, the lower the
latency may be set. The choices are : Highspeed, Rapid, Fast, Normal and Relaxed. The default setting is
‘Medium’. However for the best performance the ‘Highspeed ‘ option should be selected.
After setting this option experiment with recording and replaying audio - see next few pages. If there are
click and ‘pops’ appearing in the audio signal then try setting the performance to the next lowest setting.
Application Priority
This will be set to ‘High’. It will tell the Audio system to take priority over any other processes active in the
PC. At ‘High’ priority it will allow an uninterrupted stream of audio to flow from the sequencer. Setting this
to a lower priority will speed up other applications running on the computer but may cause clicks and
glitches to occur in the audio stream
Use Dithering
Sound quality can be increased by adding an amount of ‘dither’. Leave this set to ‘checked’
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