Data transfer and wait: The data on the SDA line must be
stable during the HIGH period of the clock on the SCL line.
The HIGH and LOW state of the SDA line can only change
when the clock signal on the SCL line is LOW. Each byte
data is eight bits long and one clock pulse for one bit of
data transfer. Data is transferred with the most significant
bit (MSB) first. In the wired-AND connection, any slower
device can hold the SCL line LOW to force the faster
device into a wait state. Data transmition will be suspended
until the slower device is ready for the next byte transfer by
releasing the SCL line.
Acknowledge: The acknowledgment will be generated at
ninth clock by whom receiving data. In the WRITE MODE,
NT6862 system must respond to this acknowledgment.
Users should clear the TXACK bit in the CH0CON to open
the ‘ACK’ function. After receiving one byte data from
external device, NT6862 will automatically send this
acknowledgment bit.
In the READ mode, an external device must respond to the
acknowledgment bit after every byte data is sent out. The
system will set the INTNAK bit when external device does
not send out the '0' acknowledgment bit. Furthermore, user
can open this interrupt source by clearing the INTNAK bit in
the IEIRQ0 register.
The INTTX0 & INTRX0 interrupt: After NT6862 complete
one byte transmission or receiving, it will generate an
INTTX0 (READ mode) & INTRX0 (WRITE mode) interrupts.
These interrupts are generated at the falling edge of the
ninth clock. Users can control the flow of DDC2B
transmission at these interrupts.
The INTRX0 on the WRITE mode: NT6862 read data from
external master device. When users detect an INTRX0
interrupt, it means there has one byte data received and
user can read out by accessing CH0RXDAT control
register. At the same time, if user responded an 'ACK'
signal beforehand, the shift register will send out this 'ACK'
bit (low voltage) and continue to receive the next byte data.
If both of shift register and CH0RXDAT register are full and
user still did not load data from CH0RXDAT register, the
SCL will be held LOW and waiting for NT6862. After user
obtains one byte data from CH0RXDAT register, the SCL
will be released for generation of SCL transmission clock.
External device can continue sending next byte data to
NT6862. The timing diagram refers to Figure 15.3. User
must responde a NAK signal in advance to stop the
The INTTX0 on the READ mode: External device read data
from NT6862. At INTTX0 interrupt, the system will load new
data from CH0TXDAT register which has been put by user
beforehand into internal shift register and continue sending
out this new data. After this new loading data be shifted out
according every SCL clock, system will request user to put
next byte data into CH0TXDAT register.
If both of shift register and CH0TXDAT register are empty
and user still not load data to CH0TXDAT register, the SCL
will be held LOW and waiting by NT6862 after receiving the
acknowledgment bit.
At SCL holded low by system, after user has put one new
byte data into CH0TXDAT register, the SCL will be
released for generation of SCL transmission clock. At this
time, system will load this byte data into shift register and
generate a INTTX0 interrupt again to remind user putting
next byte into CH0TXDAT register. The timing diagram
refer to Figure 15.4.
After every one byte data transfer, system will monitor if
external master device has sent out this acknowledgment
bit or not. If not, system will set the INTNAK bit (the
acknowledgment is LOW signal). Users will get a INTNAK
interrupt if INTNAK has been enabled as a interrupt source.
STOP condition: When SCL & SDA line have been
released (hold on 'high' state), DDC2B data transfer is
always terminated by a STOP condition generated by
external device. A STOP signal is defined as a LOW to
HIGH transition of SDA while SCL is at HIGH state. When
there is a STOP condition, NT6862 will set the 'STOP' bit &
INTSTOP bit to '1' and user can poll this status bit or open
a INTSTOP interrupt to control DDC2B transmission at any
time. This bit will keep '1' until user clears it by writing '1' to
this bit. Notice the SCL and SDA lines must conform to I
bus specifications. For the software flowchart can please
refer Figure 15.6. Please refer to the standard I
C bus
specification for details.
Change to DDC1 mode: After an external device terminates
DDC2 transmission by sending a STOP condition, users
can set MD1/ 2 to '1' for changing to DDC1 mode. On the
other hand, when the SCL line has been released (pulled-
up), user can force NT6862 to DDC1 mode communication
at any time.