Laser Safety
is a Class 3b or Class 4 laser product, this is denoted by the laser warning label affixed
to the laser head. A further label also appears adjacent to the laser aperture.
A further label also appears adjacent to the laser aperture:
When operating the laser, those in the environment must adhere to the following instructions to avoid eye damage and
prevent the risk of fire:
Laser safety goggles must be worn at all times when the laser is in operation.
Always ensure the beam is safely collected in a suitable beam stop or that the laser is disabled when not in use.
For a full description of laser safety procedures, the user is referred to Declaration of Conformity standards plus:
FDA Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 Subchapter J section 1040.10 Laser products
American National Standards for Safe Use of Lasers – ANSI Z136