NovaLynx Corporation
Page 8
January 2021
techniques above, then disconnect the Temperature/Humidity sensor from the monitoring system and
test it independently, using a power source and a digital voltmeter.
Refer to the appropriate wiring diagram (Section 6) and set up your meter to read either mA or volts
accordingly. Supply power to the transmitter circuit board and then measure the output of the board.
Take note of the reading, then try to vary the reading.
To increase the humidity reading, breathe on the humidity sensor while watching for a change
in the meter reading. The change may take 10 to 40 seconds.
To increase the temperature reading, hold the probe in your hand for several seconds.
If no change is observed, unscrew the filter from the top of the probe and try again.
No routine maintenance is required; however, a periodic check of the system calibration is
recommended. The Series RHP is not field serviceable and should be returned if repair is needed (field
repair should not be attempted and may void the warranty). Be sure to include a brief description of
the problem plus any relevant application notes. Contact customer service to receive a return goods
authorization number before shipping.