manner to the display and connect the five pin DIN plug into the matching connector
located on the side of the display panel.
The temperature sensor should be located on the North side of the structure and under an
eave or overhang if possible. The temperature sensor should be protected from exposure
to direct sun light and rain to avoid errors in the readings. If a temperature sensor shelter
is available, place the sensor inside the shelter. The temperature sensor must be installed
by routing the capillary tube from the display to the desired location of the sensor. In many
instances, the display will need to be positioned as close as possible to the outside wall
and next to the temperature sensor installation point. If possible, route the capillary tube
through the nearest window, taking care to avoid bending or deforming the tube in any
manner otherwise errors in the reading will result. If a window is not available, drill a hole
through the wall to get the temperature sensor to the outside. Fill the hole to prevent air
and moisture intrusion. Use a clamp or appropriate hardware to fasten the temperature
sensor to the wall or nearest support structure.
For both the wind sensor and the temperature sensor, the cable and capillary tube must
be secured to prevent being damaged by high winds. Clamp or tie down the wind sensor
cable every two to three feet using either plastic wire ties or other appropriate hardware to
suit the installation and the supporting structure. Secure the temperature sensor tube
being very careful to avoid crimping, sharp bends, and any deformation of the tube.
Please note that the temperature sensor tube contains a fluid and
must not
be cut open
for any reason. The temperature sensor tube can not be extended in length due to its
Install one each "D" cell battery into the battery holder inside the back of the display. The
battery provides power for the wind direction sensor and dial.
Upon completion of the installation of the wind sensor and temperature sensor, hang the
display onto the wall. Use the same methods as those employed to hang pictures. Avoid
placing the display panel near sources of heat and cold and humidity to eliminate errors
in the readings. Place the display at a height that will provide a convenient viewing of the
dials. Be sure to leave a small space behind the display to allow air flow for the relative
humidity sensor to operate properly.
Periodic checking of the sensors and dials will help ensure good readings from the dials.
The temperature dial movement is accomplished through the use of a vapor capillary
system. As the temperature at the sensing end increases, an increase in the pressure
inside the capillary tube occurs. The increase in pressure moves the meter pointer. The