Power & Gas Reader
Revision: 2.2
- By pressing the button 3 times the Power Reader will send a Node Information frame.
- By pressing the button 5 times the Power Reader will start meter calibration on mechanical
- By pressing the button 5 times the Gas Reader will restart the calibration on silver spot
Applies only to Gas Readers with firmware 3.30 or higher.
- By pressing the button 7 times the Power Reader will be reset to factory defaults.
V. Integrating the Power Reader with third party controllers
In order to properly integrate the Power Reader with a controller, the following steps
have to be taken:
At installation:
- make sure that the Power Reader's registers are configured properly with meter type /
impulse factor / pulse count.
- set the time parameters otherwise the Power Reader will not timestamp / store any data. If
you do not do this you will only the able to see total meter consumption through the meter
command class.
- set the wake up interval as a multiple of 15 minutes.
- a Power Reader with an already configured wake up node (i.e. wake up node != 255) most
probably has historical data in his storage. You can pull that from the Power Reader as the user
might want to see his historical consumption through your UI.
- use the basic command class or NOP commands to perform a range test on the Power Reader
and inform the user if the Power Reader is out of reach.
- make sure you don't forget to do a meter calibration if the Power Reader is placed on a
mechanical meter. Otherwise the measurements will be inaccurate. Check command class
configuration for details on how to do a calibration.
- the Power Reader's serial number has to be queried and displayed to the user.
- the Power Reader automatically enters real-time mode at pairing. Make sure the Power
Reader is sent to sleep as soon as possible after everything is installed.
At every wake up notification:
- do not ask more than the METER TBL MONITOR data at each wake up
- ask for the battery level only once per hour
- if the controlling node detects a missing wake up notification or a wake up notification too
early it has to set the time parameters again
- use low power transmission at each wake up notification. If the response doesn't arrive, then
switch to regular power transmission. If the controlling node and the Power Reader are placed