Keyboard dialing 9-5
Meridian 1 Options 201, 211 Meridian SL-100 M3000 Touchphone Reference Manual MSL03
After a call is established and KBD is not in operation, a data call is
disconnected by one of the following actions:
Enter three plus signs (+++) in succession (no spaces). The three plus
signs must be preceded and followed by at least 1 second of no data
entry. The time between entry of succesive plus signs must not exceed 1
Log off from the host.
Place the ON/OFF-Line switch in the OFF position.
Power off the terminal.
Keyboard feature operation
Procedures 9-1 through 9-14 present dialing procedures for KBD operation.
Note: (CR) indicates a carriage return in the following procedures.
Use Procedure 9-1 for both local and remote data calls.
Procedure 9-1
Place local or remote data call
Enter nnnnn (CR) where nnnnn is a Directory Number: 24 digits maximum.
Screen Display from Main Menu: Calling (nnnnn)
Screen Display from Main Menu: CONNECTION IN PROGRESS
System Response: Ringing occurs at the local set or termination occurs on an
outgoing trunk.
Use Procedure 9-2 for modem pool calls. Modem pool feature activation
codes are assigned locally and designate the type and speed of modem used.
Procedure 9-2
Place resource call
Enter R (CR) to select resource cell.
Screen Display from Main Menu: ENTER PREFIX THEN PRESS RETURN.
Enter pp (CR) for modem pool feature activation code.
Screen Display from Main Menu: MODEM RESERVED, ENTER NUMBER
Response: The modem pool member is reserved, but not yet connected.
Enter nnnnn (CR) . User enters Directory number (DN).
Screen Display from Main Menu: CALL CONNECTED. SESSION STARTS.
Response: System establishes data call.