S E C T I O N 9 : M A I N T E N A N C E S C H ED U L E
Your new Horizon ET will require very little in the way of maintenance if you care
for it properly in your day-to-day use. Here are some general points to follow in
maintaining your new Horizon ET which will help ensure the safety of your flying
and the performance retention of your glider. We suggest you follow this
maintenance schedule faithfully: your care will always pay off in the future.
-- Check all ribs against the airfoil maintenance blueprint.
--Inspect all cross tube support cable components (tangs, pins, nuts, bolts, cross
tube plates, and cable itself).
--Inspect all rib tensioning cords.
--Check all tubing for possible wear damage, which could occur during set-up,
fold-down, or transportation.
--Inspect sail mounting grommets and webbing at tips.
--A complete inspection of your glider is recommended, including all rigging and
components, replacement of any worn or bent bolts or locknuts connecting 2
moving parts together (i.e., cross tube plate junction bolt, crossbar clamp bolt, etc.)
--If badly scratched, dinged, or damaged, the control bar should also be replaced.
--A professional sail maker should mend critical sail tears. (See also Sail
Maintenance below)
--Please contact your dealer for a complete and professional inspection of your