north kiteboarding
10 solid manual
4. Launching The Kite
Remove the slack from the flying lines until the leading edge of the kite is lightly
in the wind and hook into the chicken loop. The wind will now start to fill the
kite’s chambers with air. Completely depower the kite for launching by pushing
the bar far away from your body.
In high wind conditions you should walk to the side after securing the kite on the
ground in order to launch it from the edge of the wind window. It helps to keep
the brake line pulled behind you to prevent the kite from launching prematurely.
Another good possibility is to have an assistant hold the kite down on the ground
and then release it at the edge of the wind window.
Flying And Depowering The Kite
Our kites are steered through a bar, just like any conventional kite. Always make
sure that the red side of the bar is to your left. By pulling the right side the kite
will fly to the right and vice versa. Pushing the bar away from your body will
depower the kite. Pulling the bar closer changes the angle of attack and increases
the kite’s power by exposing a larger part of the kite to the wind.
4. Launching The Kite