north kiteboarding
10 solid manual
6. relaunch
If the kite should collapse and land in the snow there are two basic methods for
relaunch. If the kite comes to rest with the trailing edge on the snow and the
open leading edge pointing upwards, pull gently at the completely depowered bar
or use a little gust to relaunch the kite. If the kite is not in a suitable position for
relaunch, sit down, hold the bar securely in your left hand and grab the break
lines from underneath the bar with your right hand. Pull the break lines far
enough behind you so that the kite rises, turns around in the air and falls down
on the ground again. Now it is ready to launch. Let go of the central line, depower
completely and relaunch the kite. Be prepared for a little pull since the kite will
fly through the power zone.
6. relaunch