1-6 IPE product overview
555-4001-129 Standard 08.01 November 2000
contain a copy of the load files and must provide a RFC-959 compliant FTP
server for accessing the files.
Transferring a load utilizing the Ethernet port is different than loading the IPE
using the LOADPM command. Switch Manager transfers loads to flash
memory, utilizing the ethernet port, while the IPE is in an INSV or ISTB state.
The load in flash memory becomes active after the RTS PM FLASH CI
command is issued.
Note: The LOADPM command, as previously supported, can only be
issued while the IPE is in a MANB state. This load becomes active after the
RTS PM command is issued..
Line cards
The IPE supports the following line cards:
digital line card (DLC), NT8D02
analog line card (ALC), NT8D03
analog message waiting line card (MLC), NT8D09
line side T-1 interface card (LTI), NT5D11
Meridian Integrated Conference Bridge (MICBII), NT5D51
Meridian HomeOffice II (MHO II Release 2), NTQR02AA
Note: The LTI card is an analog card that emulates a DLC. The LTI card
interfaces with a T-1 link, carrying 24 channels to the SL-100 switch. This
card occupies two card slots in the IPE shelf.
Automated datafill and resource allocation for the IPE
This feature includes two functions for the intelligent peripheral equipment
ringing resource allocation
automated datafill for IPE line cards
Ringing resource allocation
Ringing resource allocation exploits the full capability of the IPE's ringing
generator. Currently there are two types of ringing generators available for IPE
use, NT6D42 and NT7D03. Each ringing generator supports simultaneously
ringing analog sets. NT6D42 supports sixteen and NT7D03 supports eight.
This feature makes more efficient use of ringing resources within the IPE. Due
to hardware limitations of ringing generators for analog phone sets, concurrent
ringing can only be supplied to a limited number of phones without physically
damaging the ringing generators.