1611UDSBD-3GBEN, Pag. 27/36
6. Remove burner
a) Locate the burner body front support. Remove
the screws that attach it to the secondary air
shield. Refer to fi g. 14 for component defi nitions.
b) Holding the venturi tube, slide the entire burner
slightly to the right to disengage the burner from
the supports on the left. Then rotate the open
end of the venturi tube outward away from the
heater. Carefully pull the burner assembly out of
the cabinet.
Figure 14 - Burner removal steps
Figure 13a
2. Remove screws attaching burner
3. Venturi tube : slide right, rotate outward, pull
1. Disconnect manifold at orifi ce and
outside the heater, slide to the right
Figure 13b