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DOC0081 V1.2
If you experience problems with the setup, you may have inadvertently altered one or more of the
settings. It is recommended that you reset the settings to the factory default and start again. To
reset to the factory settings, please follow the procedure described in the following document:
Adding the Network Port to Norpass3
In Norpass3, choose ‘Communication Ports’ from the Installer/System Settings menu. The Comm
Ports screen is displayed.
To add the port, click on ‘Add new port’ from the ‘Tools’ pane on the left. The right-hand pane is
enabled for editing:
Fill in the appropriate details as follows:
Give the port a descriptive name, select ‘TCP’ in the ‘Type’ box and enter the IP address of the
device and the port number (10001). Once the port has been configured, tick the enable box to make
it active.
Click the save (diskette) button in the bottom left of the window.
Click the ‘Done’ button when complete.
Finally, select the controller associated with the adaptor and set it’s Comm Port to the one that you
have just added. You must also select each controller connected to the adaptor via RS485 in turn
and set their Comm Port in the same way.