Basic Operations & Hints
It is always a good idea to wash fruit or vegetables before you begin processing with the
Sauce Master II
. Remove pits and stems. Strainer will remove peelings, cores, seeds and
small stems.
You will need two bowls, one to collect the puree, and one for the seeds, stems and skins.
Since the Sauce Master II
works so quickly and with so little waste, a large bowl under the
tray to catch the puree and a small one for the waste works best!
The juice from the fruits and vegetables act as a lubricant for the mechanism, and reduces wear
on the components. Cranking the handle before food is placed in the strainer can cause damage
to the spiral.
Cut fruit or vegetables into small pieces. Pieces should be small enough to fit into the opening
at the base of the hopper. Remove all large pits and stems. The strainer will remove peels,
cores, seeds and small stems.
Do not force foods into the spiral. Guide them in with the large end of the plunger.
This will help eliminate jamming and squirting.
You may need to occasionally remove the squirt guard tray and scrape pulp from the screen of
the Sauce Master II™, depending on the type of food you are processing. A rubber spatula
works best for this.
The squirt guard tray may also need to be removed when straining dry ingredients such as
beans and potatoes, as they tend to get stuck between the screen and the guard.
To get the most out of your fruits and vegetables; you can re-strain the skins from the waste
bowl a second time.
If you are straining foods to can, freeze or dehydrate, consult a good food guide to home
preserving. Proper methods are important!
If the handle becomes difficult to turn while processing, turn a complete turn counter clockwise,
then forward again slowly. This will help clear any obstructions and allow the strainer to operate
normally. If the jam does not clear, you will need to disassemble and clean out the jam.
TIP: If the juice is backing up into the hopper and not going through the screen, the screen may
be clogged up with pulp. Simply remove the squirt guard tray and scrape the pulp off the
outside of the screen with a rubber spatula.
When processing juicy fruits like tomatoes, there may be slight leaking from the handle. If there
is excessive leaking, check to make sure the seal ring gasket (1991-17) is in place. Replacing
the gasket periodically may be necessary.
*Replacement parts are available to order if needed.
Basic Operations & Recipes
Tomato Puree
Quarter ripe tomatoes and fill the Sauce Master II
’s spacious hopper. No
need to peel or core, the Sauce Master II
does it all for you! Then just push
the plunger as you turn the handle in a clockwise direction. In moments thick,
tangy puree will be pouring from the tray to quickly fill your bowl. Meanwhile,
dry skins, seeds, and cores fall out the end of the screen into a second bowl
with absolutely no juice wasted. In just minutes, you’ll have gallons of puree
ready to put up as velvety-smooth tomato juice. Or simmer it with your
favorite seasonings for the most flavorful spaghetti sauce you’ve ever tasted!
For an even thicker textured tomato sauce with seeds, but no skins, try using
the optional pumpkin screen (available separately) in place of the
standard screen.
Simply cut apples into quarters and simmer in boiling water until tender. No
need to peel or core! Drain and let cool slightly. Fill the hopper and push the
plunger while you crank in a clockwise direction. If jamming occurs, apples
are too hard and need to be cooked a little longer. For a thicker, chunky-style
apple sauce, use the optional pumpkin screen (available separately) in place of
the standard screen.
Berry Juice
By using the optional berry screen (available separately), you can remove even
the tiny seeds found in blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and currants.
Hull and juice gallons of strawberries fast for jelly or syrup. Add some crushed
whole berries for delicious jam!
Pumpkin, Squash, or Potato Purees
The optional pumpkin screen (available separately) creates the smoothest
pumpkin, squash, or sweet potato pie fillings or mashed Irish potatoes (no
peeling needed). Before processing, simply dice into 1 inch squares and
steam or bake until tender. Allow to cool.
Baby Food
With today’s concern over additives and excess sugar in our children’s food,
the Sauce Master II
is an ideal alternative to store bought baby food. It can
easily puree fresh vegetables, fruits, or cooked meats and poultry. And by
using the three different sized screens, you can tailor the texture of the food to
meet your baby’s needs!
Grape Juice
The optional grape spiral (available separately) is specially designed to let you
make gallons of delicious grape juice without ever jamming up! Wash the
grapes and remove from the stem. Assemble your Sauce Master II
with the
standard screen and the optional grape spiral in place of the standard spiral.