c. Change the condensor sensor.
d. Change the water inlet valve.
NOTE: Sometimes the water inlet valve is blocked instead of broken and needs to be cleaned only.
e. Change the ice thickness controller.
NOTE: Sometimes it is poor contact caused by scale, and only cleaning is needed instead of
f. Change the Hall device.
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Remove the grill and cover, open the
control box cover, and remove the
condensor connector.
Cut the tie holding the condenser
sensor to remove it and replace with
a new one.
Remove the water
inlet valve fi xing
screw, water pipe
fi xing clip and water
pipe and replace
with the new water
inlet valve.
open the
Push the dash plate to
one side until the hook is loose
and remove the dash plate.
Remove the ice thickness
controller and connecting wire,
and change for a new one and
reconnect the wire.
Remove the cover, open the door, remove the dash
plate and control box cover, and remove the Hall device
connecting wire.
Use slot type screwdriver to remove the Hall device and
change for the new one.
the cover
and open
the door.