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Congratulations on your purchase of 
Nordost’s Norse Series 2 cables, genuine 
benchmarks in audio performance. Unlike 
many hi-fi cable products, they use proprietary 
technologies and construction in a purpose 
built configuration optimized for audio only 
applications. The benefits of this dedicated 
approach are clear to hear in their musical 
performance - and the musical performances 
they deliver. These cables exist for one reason 
and one reason alone: to bring recorded music 
to life. You are now in a position to enjoy 
your music more than ever before and we are 
confident that these cables will put a smile 
on your face. After all - that’s exactly why we 
designed them...


To obtain the optimum performance from your 
Norse Series 2 cables you should proceed as 


Make sure that all components in your system 
are switched off before disconnecting your 
old cables or connecting your new ones. Next, 
identify the connections on the cable. The red 
or purple heatshrink designates the positive 
connector and should be connected to the 
red, or positive connection on the rear of the 
component. The connector with the black or 
negative heatshrink should be connected to 
the black, or negative connection on the rear 
of the component. Install the cables so the 
ends marked with the directional arrows are 
connected to the receiving components.

Example: From a CD player to an amplifier the 
arrows would be connected to the amplifier, 
and from an amplifier to a speaker, the arrows 
would be connected to the speaker. Once all 
your connections have been restored, you can 
turn the system back on, starting from the 
source components and finishing with power 
amps, active speakers or subwoofers.

For signal cables –

See the supplemental “Tonearm Cable + 
Instruction Manual” for detailed information 
on installing your cable. Note: When inserting 
IEJ type 5-pin connectors into tonearm bases, 
establish the socket orientation before installing

For tonearm leads –

the cable. Once you have determined the 
correct orientation, ensure that the plug is 
pushed firmly home and then, if necessary, 
dress the cable correctly using the facilities 
provided on the turntable plinth.

Norse Series 2 offers dedicated 75 Ohm and 
110 Ohm digital designs. The S/PDIF 75 Ohm 
lead uses the same directional coding as the 
other cables in the range and it is important 
to follow this protocol. The connector is a 
combined BNC/RCA plug. In general, BNC will 
offer a superior performance and if the option 
exists this is the preferred connection.

For digital leads –

The Norse Series 2 Power Cords are straight 
replacements for all 15 Amp and 20 Amp IEC 
type stock cords. You should ensure that the 
termination matches the male socket on your 
equipment and that the plug is of the correct 
US, Schuko, AUS or UK 13 Amp type. Before 
installing the Norse Series 2 power cord, ensure 
that your equipment is switched off. Then 
simply remove the stock AC cord and install the 
Nordost lead in its place.

For power cables –

We strongly recommend treating your 

cables with Nordost Eco3X CD and cable 

treatment for even better performance.

Having obtained the musical benefits of Norse 
Series 2 cables, with their superior construction 
and technology, you can maximize those 
benefits by extending that technology across 
the whole system. The more Micro Mono-
Filament cable you employ, the more obvious 
its performance attributes become - and the 
more musically communicative and natural 
your system sounds. This coherence to your 
system’s cabling is the most underestimated 
and important factor in optimizing the 
performance of your electronics, and includes 
AC, interconnects and speaker cabling.


In order to obtain the best performance from 
your new cables we recommend thoroughly 
cleaning the contacts on your components, 
amplifier and cables with a good quality 
electrical contact cleaner, such as Deoxit.

