4) Next music \ button:
1. In MUSIC USB BT mode: short press this button, the green light of this button will be on for
a short period of time and it will change to the next music; long press this button for 2 seconds
without releasing, the green light of this button will be on; the volume will increase and the volume
value on the
display will be displayed incrementally from U00 to U30.
2. Each time of starting, the default volume value will be U25.
5) Light / fan button:
The start button is in “off” mode by default, press once to turn on the light, and the green light will
be on; press again to turn on the fan, and the light will be off; press the button for the third time to
turn on both the light and fan; press the button for the fourth time to turn off both the light and fan,
and at the same time, the green light of this button will be off.
6) Foot switch button:
1. It is by default in the foot switch mode, and the green light of this button will be on; then turn on
the gear, and step on the foot switch to start and loose the foot switch to slow down the car; press
the remote control button to stop the car forcefully. (The car can’t be started by foot switch when it
is stopped by the remote controller!)
2. Safety protection function: Before starting the car by stepping on the accelerator or switching
from the remote control mode to the footswitch mode, you must first loosen the accelerator pedal
and then step on it.
7) Remote control button:
When this button is pressed, the system will switch to the remote
control mode, and the green light will be on, then the remote controller can be used to drive the
car.(At this time, stepping on the accelerator pedal is unavailable!)
2) Music button:
Under MUSIC play mode, press this button to play a song, and the green light
of this button is on; press this button again to play the next song; there are 2 music buttons,
each button will play 3 songs repeatedly.
3) Previous\Volume - Button:
In MUSIC USB BT mode: short press this button, the green light of this
button will be on for a short period of time and it will change to the previous
music; long press this button for 2 seconds without release, the green light of this button will be on,
the volume will be decremented, the volume value on display will decrease from U30 to U00.
Each time of starting, the default volume value will be U25.