Command reference
XFAX - User’s Guide 4.3a
-u user
Sends the fax as stated by the user.
If this parameter is given, the program data reads from
standard input instead of from the given files. E.g. fax-
send 7586535 - <letter or cat letter | faxsend
7586535 -.
14.1.13 faxsr
Syntax: faxsr infile [-]
Used to make a search & replace in HP Laserjet files. See further details in the
chapter XFAX and cover sheets.
If this parameter is given, the program reads the data
from standard input instead of the stated files.
14.1.14 faxstat
Syntax: faxstat [-g] [-v] [-s string]
Used to generate statistics reports and to show activity graphs.
Shows the program version and syntax.
Shows the activity graph, i.e. how many faxes are in
the queue at different times of the day. This function
can be used to see where the largest telephone costs are
and possibly do something about this by locating fax
transmissions to those times of the day when the tele-
phone tariff is lowest.
-s “string”
Selection string which describes which data should be
included in the report. Example:
faxstat-s “date=960120-960125”.
If no parameter is given, statistics of the number of faxes in the queue are shown,
plus the number of unsuccessful faxes, the connected time and the cost for the
call in accordance with the tariff tables in the file ETCDIR/cost.
14.1.15 faxwho
Syntax: faxwho [-u]
Used to find out which users are connected to faxmaster and from which tty: or
IP addresses they are logged in.
Shows the program version and syntax.
When this parameter is given only unique user names
are listed.