1. IntroductIon | 5
tHAnK You!
thank you for choosing the nord Piano 5. this instrument combines
an uncompromising piano playing experience and inspiring sound
creation features in a portable format. the triple sensor keybed
coupled with our Virtual Hammer Action technology provides an
unprecedented level of realism and enables a wide range of piano
playing techniques. Powered by the free nord Piano Library, our
collection of meticulously sampled piano and keyboard instruments,
we hope the nord Piano 5 will be a lasting source of inspiration.
these are the main features of the nord Piano 5:
Piano section with acoustic
pianos, tine and
reed based
sounds and a
category which also contains rich pre-layered combinations.
category is home to non-piano sounds, such as a Marimba
and a Vibraphone
88 or 73 key triple Sensor keybed with grand weighted action
nord Virtual Hammer Action technology
Easy-to-use Sample Synth section
Piano and Sample Synth section
allow for using two different
Piano and/or Sample Synth sounds, in layered or split configurations
comprehensive Effects section
Seamless program transitions
Keyboard split with cross-fade options, allowing sounds to smoothly
transition across the split point
nord onLInE
on the nordkeyboards.com website you will find:
Information about the nord Piano 5 and other nord instruments
Latest operating Systems for download
Free software: nord Sound Manager and nord Sample Editor 3
nord Piano Library and nord Sample Library sounds for free
nord World: nord releated news stories and videos
newsletter: receive news about the nord Piano 5 and notifications
when new oS versions or sounds are released
user Manuals for download
tutorials can be found at nordkeyboards.com/tutorials
Follow nord Keyboards on Facebook, Instagram, twitter and Youtube.
Feel free to tag your content with our official hashtag #iseenord.
ABout tHE uSEr MAnuAL
the manual is arranged mainly as a reference manual. In many cases
you willl also get tips on how to practically use the various features in a
musical context.
rEAdInG tHE MAnuAL In PdF ForMAt
this manual is available as a digital PdF file. It can be downloaded
from the nord Piano 5 section on our website.
rEStorInG tHE FActorY PrESEtS
the factory programs, samples and pianos as well as a complete
backup of the entire instrument are available for download from our
the latest oS (operating System) version for the nord Piano 5 is
always available for download from our website. Please visit our
website from time to time to make sure you are using the latest version.
FrEE SoundS
Since the nord Piano 5 is designed as an open system, each and
every piano and sample in the nord Piano 5 can be replaced. this is
done using the
Nord Sound Manager
software which is available as a
free download from our website.
the nord Piano 5 is compatible with the extensive nord Piano Library
and the nord Sample Library. As new sounds become available, these
can be downloaded for free from the Sound Libraries section of our
using the free
Nord Sample Editor 3
you can quickly and easily create
your own sample instruments. Whether creating a fully mapped
instrument or a simple FX sound this software opens up many
possibilities together with the nord Piano 5.
Any trademarks and brand names mentioned in this manual are the
property of their respective owners and are not affiliated or associated
with clavia. these trademarks and brand names are only mentioned to
describe certain sound qualities reproduced by the nord Piano 5.