MyoMOTION Data Logger User Manual
P-2628 Rev B
Section 3: Identification
Section 3: Identification
Section 3: Identification
Section 3: Identification
Model Designation
Model 262 MyoSync (Master Sync)
Product Versions and Configurations
The model 262 MyoSync can accommodate a single sync in pulse and up to 5 sync out pulses
and 1 inverted sync out pulse.
For additional equipment details refer to Section 9 of this manual.
As the MyoSync requires software to perform its function, the equipment is offered in combination
with the following computer program packages:
Model 430-433 myoMUSCLE
Model 440/443 myoVIDEO
Model 460/463 myoMOTION
Model 450-452 myoPRESSURE