Radio Mode
• During auto switching radio frequency,
some interference may be heard.
• Turning off AF function can settle this
TA Function
The TA (Traffic Announcement) function
lets the unit receive traffic announcements
The TA function can be activated by a TP
(Traffic Program) station broadcasting traffic
W h e n TA i s a c t i v a t e d a n d a t r a f f i c
announcement is received, the current
playing source will be overridden by the
traffic announcement The unit returns to the
original source after the traffic announcement
has been received.
PTY Function
PTY is an abbreviation for the type of program
defined by a code to define the program being
broadcast (eg news or Rock).
The Options of PTY is displayed on the screen.
To see the options PTY, tap the scroll bar and
arrows on the screen.
When an option is selected PTY (eg News), the
radio unit, the PTY search available. If the PTY
requested was not found, the unit returns to the
original radio frequency.