Sensor Placement:
Model 2000SL Small Lingual Clip Application
The recommended application site for the Nonin Small Lingual Clip is on the tongue of a small animal (dog,
cat, etc.)
Position the tongue clip so it is fully onto the tongue. If the clip is only partially on the tongue, sensor light
may bypass the edge of the tongue, resulting in SpO
measurement error.
If the sensor does not track the pulse reliably, it may be positioned incorrectly or perfusion may be too
low. The oximeter must be able to track the pulse to give accurate readings. Try one of the other sensors
positioned on a different site.
Figure 2. Small Lingual Clip Placement
Model 2000SA Small Animal Flex Sensor Application
The Small Animal Flex Sensor is suitable for use on the toe of a dog or the base of the tail on very small
animals such as rats.
Shave the site completely before sensor application. Position the light emitter and light detector of the sensor
such that sensor light is directed through the tail or toe.
Mis-positioning might allow sensor light to bypass the toe or tail resulting in SpO
measurement error.
Secure the sensor with tape, ensuring that the tape does not restrict perfusion.
Model 2000T Transflectance Sensor Application
The 2000T Transflectance sensor is designed for placement on the underside, base of the tail (near the anal
orifice) of a dog.
Shave the site completely before sensor application. Position the light emitter and light detector of the sensor
against the underside of the tail at the base near the anal orifice. Secure the sensor with tape, ensuring that the
tape does not restrict perfusion.
The Model 8500AV Oximeter is powered by 6 AA Alkaline cells that will typically allow 100 hours of continuous
operation. The Model 8500AV Oximeter indicates when the batteries are low by flashing the digital displays at a one
second rate. The batteries should be replaced as soon as possible. Replace the batteries by removing the door on the
bottom of the Model 8500AV Oximeter. Be sure to follow the polarity markings on the case when installing new
batteries. Rechargeable Nickel Cadmium batteries may be used in the Model 8500AV Oximeter. Since NiCad batteries
have less than half of the capacity of alkaline batteries, they will have to be replaced more often.
If the clock functions are being used, they need to be reset after the batteries are replaced.