CCS Technical Documentation
Troubleshooting — RF
Issue 1 11/2002
Nokia Corporation Confidential
Page 17
Troubleshooting: Check N601 (Robin), D200 (UEM), and associated components.
TN TX IF AGC Cell Po (0) [or (1), (2), (3), or (4)]
The IF gain curve is characterized by varying the TX_IF_AGC and measuring the transmit
power. This is only done once (in cell CDMA mode) since the same circuitry is used for
both cell and pcs.
The results are TX power readings in dBm of the transmitted signal corresponding to
given PDM settings of the Cell TX IF AGC.
Manual Verification:
Set the phone in local mode, then program it to Cell CDMA RX/TX mode on channel 384.
Set modulation to IS95 voice.
Set the Cell PA PDM to +218 decimal and the TX RF AGC to –512 decimal using the slid-
ers in the PDM window under the RF menu.
Change the TX_IF_AGC to the settings in the following table, and measure the TX power
levels, checking to see that they are within the specified range.
Change the TX_RF_AGC PDM to +511. Leave the TX_IF_AGC at 0 and the PA_AGC at
+218. Measure the output power. Subtract this power from the power measured in (c) in
the table above. This is the RF_AGC gain delta.
Leave the PA_AGC and TX_RF_AGC values as is, then enter the values listed below for
the TX_IF_AGC. Measure the output power, then add to each the RF_AGC gain delta cal-
culated above. Check that these sums are within the listed ranges.
Troubleshooting: Check Robin (N801) and supporting components. Also check D400,
which generates the PDM signals. Check AGC PDM voltages according to Tables 1 and 3.
Troubleshoot the rest of the transmitter chain if necessary as described in Table 2.
Acceptable range for output
power (in dBm)
(a) +300 decimal
check tuning results file for limits
(b) + 150
(c) 0
Acceptable range for
sum:[output power +- RF_AGC
gain delta] in dBm
check tuning results file for limits