Your Nokia N95
The type of content that can be transferred depends on the
model of the device from which you want to transfer
content. If the other device supports synchronisation, you
can also synchronise data between the other device and
your Nokia N95.
If the other device cannot be powered on without a SIM
card, you can insert your SIM card in it. When Nokia N95
is switched on without a SIM card, the offline profile is
automatically activated.
Transfer content
To use the application for the first time, on your Nokia
N95, select it in the
application, or press
and select
. If you have used
the application before and want to start a new transfer,
Phone switch
Select whether you want to use Bluetooth connectivity
or infrared to transfer the data. Both devices must
support the selected connection type.
If you select Bluetooth connectivity:
To have Nokia N95 search for devices with Bluetooth
connectivity, select
. Select the device from
which you want to transfer content from the list. You
are asked to enter a code on your Nokia N95. Enter a
code (1-16 digits), and select
. Enter the same code
on the other device, and select
. The devices are now
paired. See ‘Pair devices’, p. 30.
For some phone models, the
Phone switch
is sent to the other device as a message. To install
Phone switch
on the other device, open the message,
and follow the instructions on the display.
If you select infrared, connect the two devices. See
‘Infrared connection’, p. 32.
From your Nokia N95, select the content you want to
transfer from the other device.
Content is transferred from the memory of the other device
to the corresponding location in your Nokia N95.
Transferring time depends on the amount of data to be
transferred. You can cancel transferring and continue
If the other device supports synchronisation, you can keep
the data up-to-date in both devices. To start a
synchronisation with a compatible Nokia device, select
, scroll to the device, and select
. Follow the instructions on the display.
The synchronisation is two-way, and the data in both
devices is made the same. If an item is deleted from either
device, it is deleted from the other device as well when
synchronising; you cannot restore deleted items with
To view the log of a previous transfer, select
Transfer log