4.2 System ATTENTION
The pump must not be installed against wood or any other material which may be affected
by heat from the pump.
Before installing the circulator ensure all soldering / welding adjacent to the pump is
complete, the system has been thoroughly flushed out to remove any foreign matter and
that vent and feed pipes are positioned so that the pump will not draw in air or pump over.
It is advisable to ensure the impeller is free by rotating manually through the outlet.
The pump should not be installed in either a high point in the system where air could
collect or a low point where sediment could build up
Pipes on both sides of the pump should be supported to reduce strain and must be correctly
aligned prior to installing the pump to reduce the risk of scolding.
The pump must be installed with the rotating shaft horizontal (see fig.1)
Check the direction of flow indicated by an arrow on the pump casing and install the pump
between the isolating valves. When replacing a pump maintain the same direction of flow.
4.3 Electrical Connections ATTENTION
Electrical work to be carried out by a competent qualified and licensed electricians in strict
conformity to ruling national conditions and local regulations.
All wiring and external switchgear to comply with the ruling local regulations in
accordance with the latest edition of IEE wiring regulations.
Observe pump name plate data.
For pump fuse protection use a 3 Amp fuse.
A means of disconnection must be incorporated in the fixed wiring in accordance with the
wiring rules.
Wiring Procedure
If the pump already has a cable fitted to it, ensure the pump is isolated from the mains
before removing the terminal cover.
The cable must not come in contact with the pump body or pipework.
1. Use cable as recommended in section 1.2
2. Thread cable through grommet.
3. Depress levers to open cable clamps. Connect cable - Brown to L, Blue to N,
Yellow/Green to see Fig 2a & 2b.
4. Adjust cable position and press outer sheath into clamp see Fig 2a.
5. Refit terminal cover, locating cover onto motor and tighten screw.
8573 Nocchi Booklet 12 linguil 4124349:Pentair Water Italy Srl - Reb