3: Web Management
Security - Network - NAS (Network Access Server)
NGSME24G4S User Manual | 69
This is the value that a port's Port VLAN ID is set to if a port is moved into the Guest VLAN. It
is only changeable if the Guest VLAN option is globally enabled.
Valid values are in the range [1; 4095].
Max. Reauth. Count
The number of times the switch transmits an EAPOL Request Identity frame without response
before considering entering the Guest VLAN is adjusted with this setting. The value can only
be changed if the Guest VLAN option is globally enabled.
Valid values are in the range [1; 255].
Allow Guest VLAN if EAPOL Seen
The switch remembers if an EAPOL frame has been received on the port for the life-time of
the port. Once the switch considers whether to enter the Guest VLAN, it will first check if this
option is enabled or disabled. If disabled (unchecked; default), the switch will only enter the
Guest VLAN if an EAPOL frame has not been received on the port for the life-time of the port.
If enabled (checked), the switch will consider entering the Guest VLAN even if an EAPOL
frame has been received on the port for the life-time of the port.
The value can only be changed if the Guest VLAN option is globally enabled.