A short-circuit may cause a fire.
Pay attention to not to short-circuit the battery while storing the device.
Protection against shock
When transporting the instrument it should be protected against shocks. Strong shocks can
cause measurements errors.
The user of this instrument should follow the instructions contained in this manual and
remember to periodically check the correctness of its working. The manufacturer is not liable for
any damage resulting from the incorrect use of the instrument and losses due to this.
Improper use of the laser and use not in accordance with instructions described in this manual,
can cause injury or exposure to excessive radiation dose.
Do not allow anyone to work in a laser beam. Before you begin, make sure that the laser beam
is over the heads of workers. The lighting by laser beam can cause temporary blindness. When
it's possible, use warning signs when construction machines are working near laser level
Do not expose the body and clothing to the acid leaking from batteries and accumulators.
However, if it occurs, quickly wash the body with clean water and consult a doctor.
Broken or damaged transport box or transport box latches can lead to falling out of the box and
damage the laser.
The collapse of laser level to the ground can lead to damage.
Shaky, unstable site of laser level can lead to collapse and damage the laser. Always make
sure that all screws and latches in a tripod works properly.
Exclusions of liability
1. It is expected from the user to comply all recommendations regarding to the use of this
product and perform periodic reviews of the work of the instrument.
2. The manufacturer, or its representatives assume no liability for damages caused by
improper handling or intentional improper use , including direct or indirect damage and
loss of income.
3. The manufacturer and its representatives are not liable for damage or loss of income
caused by natural disasters (earthquake, storm, flood, etc.), Fire, accident or involving
third parties in use of this instrument or using the instrument under conditions other than
4. The manufacturer and its representatives are not liable for any damages, loss of income,
loss of data, interruption of business, etc.., Caused by the use of the product.
5. The manufacturer and its representatives are not liable for any damages and loss of
income caused by the use of the instrument in a way other than described in the manual.
6. The manufacturer and its representatives are not liable for damage caused by improper
activities or reactions as a result of combining with other products.