User’s Manual
Date:15/07/2015 User’s Manual
8.4 How to clean the sensors
The sensor itself can be dirt caused by the oil, dust, impurity and dirt in the fluid, which may cause
effect on the measurement result. When it is necessary to clean the sensor, please remove the meter
according to 8.3. Then dip the sensor into alcohol or acetone (according to the contents of the dirty) for
10~30 minutes, then wipe the sensors with clean cloth or paper. Please make sure the sensor is well
protected during the whole process, do not hit or scratch it.
Picture 8.5
9 Troubleshooting and repair
9.1 Safty introduction
Please do not open the cover on the flame proof enclosure if in an explosive environment.
When trying to wire to HART or RS485 device, please make sure that the process of wiring the device
into the loop complys with the intrinsic safty requirement. Or please process the wiring in a
none-explosive environment.
Please make sure the environment the flowmeter in can meet the requirement of the certificate.
When power is wired, please make sure the front and rear cover is closed properly.
9.2 Troubleshooting and repair
Please check out below issues before the troubleshooting
1) Please make sure the power source and its wiring is correct
2) Please process all wiring according to Chapter 3
3) Please make sure the straight pipeline length apply to the requirement in Chapter 2
4) Please make sure the meter’s flow direction mark is point at the direction where the flow goes