Safety/Air Pressure Of Tire
Certain countries or regions safety devices or gear. It is your
responsibility to know the state laws and follow them .
Tires air pressure
Air pressure in ti res: 40psi to 50 psi
Safty equipment
Helmet:most serious injuries taht occur while ride are head injuries. This could
have been prevented if a helmet had been worn.
You must wear a helmet while rideing your escooter .the helmet must be worn
according to its instructions.
Mechanical safety tests
Befare using escooter; perform a bisual inspection that screws and nuts are
tight and in place. Note if anything looks amiss,or is showing signs of wear. lf
you are unsure,bring your escooter to the authorized distributor. Tires and
wheels: Check the tires for wear, it can be by rotating the tire to check to
ensure that the need to replace the tires in good condition. Ensure normal
rotation of the wheels during braking, if not, please get the scooter to the
authorized distributor.Before each ride, always check your brakes and
mechainical function.
As you accelerate ,lean forwards,as you brake, tilt your weight
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E-scooter Main Parts
Maintenance of plastic cover
Switch Button/
Battery lndicator
LEDfront light/speed control switch (left fast right slow)/horn switch
Quick release
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