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Estimated Battery operation hours:
At location point intervals of 15 seconds, the device can provide location information continuously for up to 12 hours at
optimum temperatures (+ 5°C to + 25°C). If necessary, the update interval can be extended with the NITEforce Live
Map APP, if the dog stays in the field overnight and it is needed to save the battery power consumption.
Adding a user to your collar takes place via a text message, sending it from the master user's mobile phone to the
collar's phone number. You can add one or more users at a time. Master user 1 can change settings using the APP.
Users 2-5 can only call the collar number and it will respond with the current location message. All users can track the
dog and their own location live on the map by signing in to the Live Map APP with the same IDs. Master User 1, can
change the collar settings using the APP.
Turn ON the collar with the included small magnet by holding it top of the LED light for a few seconds. You will
see an LED light when the collar turns ON
Users will be added to the collar with the master user mobile phone (Master user 1) by sending the text
message below to the collar number (USE CAPITAL LETTERS).
HINT: At this point, save the collar SIM phone number in the memory of your mobile phone, for
example as Dog GPS, and continue sending the text message
Master user 1 adding to the collar (setting changes from APP). Add Master user 1 with following text message:
Adding user 2 to the collar (user 2 can make a location call, not able to do settings changes from the APP). Add user 2
with following text message:
Adding user 3 to the collar (user 3 can make a location call, not able to do settings changes from the APP). Add user 3
with following text message:
After successful user addition, collar responds as a text message to Master User 1 with the information:
FACID authorize OK!
For activating own server space, Master user 1 sends the following text message to the collar:
After successful server space opening, the collar responds as a text message to the Master user to 1 number with the